Cat's Favorite Foods

With only 473 onions (compared to 9000 in humans) we cannot say that the sense of taste in cats is very developed! So what should you put in your bowl to make her happy? Answers with Alain von Allmen, a vet in the Amivet cabinet in Neufchâtel.

cat food

Would you like to show your affection for your cat by enjoying its taste buds? Nothing could be easier! Let's take a look at the staple page.


The most important thing you should know: Your cat is a strict carnivore, so it mainly eats meat that it hunts when it is a cat outdoors, or that you give through nibbles and crates. "You can also buy meat that you have to cook to avoid health risks," says veterinarian Alain von Allmen. “At this point, you must also supplement your diet with snacks that are enriched with vitamins and nutrients that are not contained in butcher meat to ensure their nutritional balance. ""


Contrary to popular belief, the cat is not a big fish eater, but occasionally appreciates tuna, salmon, and other cooked fish to help solve health problems.


This is not absolutely necessary for a balanced diet of the adult cat. However, milk can be offered if your pet does not naturally suffer from allergies to dairy products. "You can also make him happy with low-salt, low-calorie cheese if he digests it well," suggests Alain von Allmen.


No, your cat doesn't think it's a cow. If she nibbles a few blades of grass in your garden, it is completely normal: "The grass brings him fibers and some vitamins and enables him to clean his stomach if he has a hairball," says the veterinarian.

The cat's food preferences

The cat likes it when its food has a moist texture, like crates, or dry, like nibbles.

And if certain croquettes combine the two, it's even better! The FELIX Crunchy & Soft® from our partner Purina, for example, combines 80% crispy nibbles and 20% soft nibbles in one package. We are therefore happy about our favorite cat so that it feels good: "The fresh exterior makes it possible to scratch and clean the teeth without having to brush them," explains Alain von Allmen.


There, too, the cat has a preference for its food: it tastes better at room temperature or is even slightly hot when it is sick or has no appetite. We will, therefore, remember to take the boxes out of the fridge long enough in advance if they should ever be there.

Good to know

If you don't share the life of an overly greedy and/or overweight cat, you can easily leave her bowl full of nibbles. He can regulate himself and prefers to eat several small meals a day.

The sweet taste

Cats don't distinguish the sweet taste, so they don't particularly like desserts, but this too can vary from cat to cat.

What about water

As you may have noticed, your cat drinks very little and adjusts its water consumption to more or less moist food it ingests. This does not prevent him from demanding the quality of the water you offer him.
Make sure it is in a clean container and replace it twice a day if possible.

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